Use of this website is governed by the following terms (the 'Terms of Use'):
Copyright in the publications, materials and other content ('Content') on this website is owned by Sibanda Meer Seedat.
You may download and temporarily store one or more of the pages of this website for the purposes of viewing them. Any other storage, copying, transmission or distribution of the Content on this website is prohibited without the prior written consent of Sibanda Meer Seedat.
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This website may contain links to other websites, including social networks. However, we do not endorse or accept any responsibility for any content on or software downloaded from any website linked to or from this website.
Publications and other Content available on this website are provided for general information only. They do not constitute legal or other professional advice or seek to be an exhaustive statement of the law and should not be relied on. You should take specific legal advice on any particular matter which concerns you. If you do require advice, or wish to find out more about the Content, please email info (@)
While we endeavor to ensure that the information on this website is accurate at the time it is included, we accept no obligation to ensure that the Content is complete, accurate or up to date, or that the website or its Content will remain accessible.
To the extent permitted under applicable law or regulation, Sibanda Meer Seedat excludes all liability (howsoever caused) to you or any third parties for any loss or damage relating to the use of, inability to use, or reliance on this website or any of the Content or links contained on it.
Data Protection
Personal data submitted on this website will be used for the purposes specified in the relevant part of the website and for other purposes for which you give your consent.
Amendment to Terms of Use
Sibanda Meer Seedat may amend these Terms of Use from time to time. Please check them periodically to inform yourself of any changes.
Governing law
The Terms of Use and all issues regarding this website are governed by South African law and all disputes shall be determined exclusively by the courts of South Africa.